Our team

Our team

As you saw in my career, I’ve been more than 20 years working in the exciting world of communication and advertising.  All this time I’ve been working to establish, maintain and revitalize professional relationships, strongs and durables.

Thanks to this continued work, now I have a real network team of communication and advertising professionals: graphic designers, web masters 2.0, programmers, community managers, photographers, audiovisual producers, copywriters, translators, journalists, broadcasters, showmen …



These professionals have common characteristics that guarantee the successful achievement of the projects we manage in CBM Publicitat:

- They are independent freelancers.
- Talented with a highest qualification.
- They have light structure.
- They are specialized in specific areas of communication and advertising.
- They are creative, productive, motivated and committed.
- United by common goals.
- They are more than agile and synergics.

To that network of high talent I add the extensive knowledge that I have of the best industry suppliers: printing, rotary printing, sign makers, editors, producers of vinyls, etc.. that I select ad hoc for every need.

I have the client’s overall vision and I design its communication and advertising strategy . My task on this model is:

- to analyze the customer needs.
- to create custom communications and advertising plans.
- to define the project goals and select the appropriate professionals.
- to manage and coordinate the productions.
- to implement the actions.
- to monitor activity and advertising communication.
- to invigorate communication synergies between the different actions.
- to estract teh results conclusions and customer feedback.

Now you know the main parameters of our network, your network!


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  • About Us

    We set in motion all our ability, will and energy to keep more than satisfactorily, the objectives of the project entrusted to us. We are committed professionals and the fulfillment of our commitment is the driving force of our creativity. We are reliable people, we have one word!
design by CBM Publicitat
^ Pujar