
Monsan whiteboard video Mobile World Congress

Posted by admin on July 21, 2015  /   Posted in Blog, Business, Design

Monsan whiteboard video Mobile World Congress

Now you can see the corp video we’ve done for our client Monsan just to be presented at the Barcelona Mobile World Congress 2015.

Conceptualization, script and production were made at home.

Great work of our designer Bernat and of the voice actor Claudi Domingo.

You can see the English version in our customer web by clicking here.

Monsan and CBM Publicitat at the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2015

Posted by admin on March 09, 2015  /   Posted in Business, Design, Uncategorized

Mobile World Congress_cbm publicitatMonsan and CBM Publicitat at the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2015

This year we have had the pleasure to be at the Mobile World Congress with our customer Monsan. They have commissioned us the integral management of his assistance to the fair. A lot of strong working hours with the team of Monsan that of very will bring certainly big results.

One of the actions of those that are especially satisfied has been the production of his corporate video in Spanish and in English that can see pressing the previous links.

Many thanks Monsan!

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    We set in motion all our ability, will and energy to keep more than satisfactorily, the objectives of the project entrusted to us. We are committed professionals and the fulfillment of our commitment is the driving force of our creativity. We are reliable people, we have one word!
design by CBM Publicitat
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