Coca Cola infecting laughts
No doubts: the best pain we can infect to the others is a good laugh!
Coca Cola infecting laughts
No doubts: the best pain we can infect to the others is a good laugh!
Monsan whiteboard video Mobile World Congress
Now you can see the corp video we’ve done for our client Monsan just to be presented at the Barcelona Mobile World Congress 2015.
Conceptualization, script and production were made at home.
Great work of our designer Bernat and of the voice actor Claudi Domingo.
You can see the English version in our customer web by clicking here.
Monsan and CBM Publicitat at the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2015
This year we have had the pleasure to be at the Mobile World Congress with our customer Monsan. They have commissioned us the integral management of his assistance to the fair. A lot of strong working hours with the team of Monsan that of very will bring certainly big results.
One of the actions of those that are especially satisfied has been the production of his corporate video in Spanish and in English that can see pressing the previous links.
Many thanks Monsan!
Social networks in out 2015
Although already have initiated a change of strategy, with the implementation of new algorithms and services of video, Facebook and Twitter will begin to lose quite a lot this year. Other social networks like Instagram and Youtube will earn greater strength because of the value that his contents generate to the companies.
This is one of the trends that experts in digital marketing like Juan Merodio aim of expensive to 2015, a year in which the social networks and the colaboration consumption will be totally key for the business strategy. “Increasingly, the businesses and the professional services will asset his bases in a digital plan that next integrate and lean in the physical part. Who do not take into account this shape to do and grow will be losing business and even launching to the business suicide”, explains Merodio. “The economy, now more than ever, is digital”, adds.
This will be also the year in which Facebook or Twitter, up to now the social networks more popular, will lose his hegemony manually of others more useful since the business and professional point of view. Both suffer already a wear because of his long cycle of use, and in the case of Facebook also to the excessive advertising and videos that includes to the pages of start. Nevertheless, both are adapting , with new algorithms and services.
Conversely, the companies will put his focus in other social networks that provide them greater levels of rentability. It is the case of Instagram, that will have a big expansion this year.
Also it will grow the use of Pinterest, especially in the terrain of the ecommerce since it represents a good digital channel of exhibition of product, allowing the access to a wider public and general.
On the same line increasing and in a second in which every time consumes more video, *Youtube *posicionarà how the referent for the brands.
This is the magical billboard from the Quebec City Magic Festival.
Great creativity. But don’t say anything, it’s magic!
Today we take you an Australian video against school absenteeism. We suppose that it will work, there are more than 18 million visualisations in YouTube. Enjoy it!
Joaquín Lorente at Homenaje Pyme – CBM Publicitat
Yesterday we were invited to the event “Homenaje Pyme” held at the Palacio de Congresos de la Feria de Barcelona. Several personalities welcomed the event and welcomed the large attendance of businessmen and businesswomen . As the highest authority , Ms. Joana Ortega, Vice President of the Generalitat of Catalonia , addressed the audience on behalf of the President, Mr. Artur Mas, who excused his presence to the for being on an official trip.
The publicist Joaquín Lorente was commissioned to open the program and in just over 45 minutes He was spoken about creativity in SME.
He noted that the Ambition is what starts enery process , meaning ambition like the question or set of questions established by ceo of SMEs in front new challenges or situations, and Creativity is the answer to these questions because is the launcher of the processes to meet the needs raised.
He also he told us what for him are the four fundamental to achieving success stages: to Defining (what we want to do) , Observing (on the street , in the markets, everywhere we can obtain first-handed references of the project that we have defined) , Breaking (to give new answers to new or old needs) and Adding (the different elements of creativity and ambitions with the answers to these needs).
After several rounds of conferences and networking sessions, the event was closed by Dr. Industrial Engineer and author of The Ninja Crisis , Mr. Leopoldo Abadía .
As our client partners the Polinyà Business Association, we have been invited to an interesting business lunch where the Professor and Doctor of Economics, Josep María Gay de Liebana has done a review of the economic situation in recent years and a projection for those to will come. Clearly and openly reading handing by of one of the most respected professionals in this area.
As is usual in the events organized by the Business Association of Polinyà, it has also become a networking session to create synergies and partnerships among the different companies that were joining the session.
Pictured Dr. Josep María Gay de Liebana, the Mayor of Polinyà Mr. Ramon Mayoral and the treasurer of the association, Ms. Paulina Puigjaner.
Many thanks to Dr. Josep María Gay de Liébana to Polinyà Business Association , to the City Council of Polinyà and all the attendees. A pleasure and an honor for CBM Publicitat.
Google glass: how they work. Tutorial video.